Saturday, November 20, 2010


CC and I have been in a debate about uniforms.  CC has 4 pairs of pants, 3 short sleeve shirts, and 2 long sleeved shirts.  He rotates each uniform daily so he doesn't wear the same one more than one day in a row.  Which makes complete sense.  But, the kicker is that he washes each uniform MAYBE once a month.  YUCK!  He patrols in these uniforms 8 hours at a time, and he doesn't wash it until it's had at least 32 hours or wearing time????  He says because he's not sweating, it's not a big deal, but I'm thinking of all the body oils that are seeping into the fabric.  Oh my gosh.  YUCK! YUCK! YUCK!

His response - this is just cops do it. 

Does anyone else see this pattern with their men????


  1. Kind of. T-rex will wash it if he had a busy nasty day, but he only has 2 uniforms and they dont aways get in the wash right away, so on his days of three on he wares one, the the other then back to which ever one is not to bad. But we wash them all at least once a week. but not after each time he wares it. I guess it is a cop thing?

  2. I don't know where he patrols, but I wash mine after every shift. The type of people and surrounding I am in, I don't want to contaminate anything. Wash uniforms separate from family clothing, I consider them bio-hazard, Where has the patrol car been that you sit in?

    I patrol in a big city and it might be different in the suburbs or the country but better to error on the side of safety.

  3. My husband washes his shirts after 2-3 days of wearing (unless he had contact with something likely to be gross/dangerous (small town not that much going on)). Especially now with winter here, and 2-3 pairs of long underwear under the uniform, he washes the shirts less often. He also has a particular rotation for the long underwear washing which I try to pretend gets washed between each wear but I know doesn't. Took a few weeks last winter to learn to wear long underwear over vest so it isn't sweaty. Pants go in whenever they start to look dingy (3-4 days) and he is responsible for all uniform washing. I always assumed it was a gross boy thing (my brother doesn't do laundry as often as I think he should either) combined with a dislike of moving the pins.

  4. 5oh Hubby is the same way. We get his drycleaned but I'm pretty sure he cleans them once a month. He works 3 days a week on weekends so you do the math. He says its just what they do. Its gross haha

  5. My dh usually wears a uniform twice before I wash it unless he has been in a situation which requires it to be washed.

  6. My guy usually wears his 2-4 times before washing unless something gross happens. He'll wash it a little more often in the summer.

  7. I'm laughing b/c it's true. The Mr. has uni's at the PD and he changes there. I don't ever REALLY know when he brings them home for a wash. I wash his uni separate from our regular clothing and put vinegar in the rinse cycle. It disinfects it. What grosses me out even more is his vest, that thing leaves a stink trail in the summer ewww. {laughing}
    So glad I found your feed again, few.

  8. my hubby is in the coast guard, he must wash his uniforms after one time use. But he is doing manual labor, sweating profusely getting bay water all over himself, paint, oil etc and truly doing exhaustin work!
